Flock Off Bird Control

The Flock Off System

The Flock Off System is the best solution for your bird exclusion needs. It is capable of reducing up to 100% of the nuisance caused by birds. It does not use chemicals, poison, or traps, rendering it Environmentally Friendly.

It can be used for commercial buildings, residences, industries, billboards, and more.



Migratory and territorial birds utilize an internal GPS system connected to a protein production in their eyes that allows them to “see” directionally through the earth’s latitudinal and longitudinal gridlines.

Flock Off affects this process, creating an Electromagnetic “force field” around any structure that causes birds to simply find it impossible to land.

Invisible to humans, this barrier appears to birds as “fireworks” ON/AROUND the surface of their target landing zone. They WILL NOT LAND and will divert elsewhere, FOREVER.

Flock Off Delivers this proven technology.

A Scientific Revolution in Bird Abatement

Conceived by a quantum physicist in 2009, and developed by experts in Ornithology and Entomology, Flock Off uses applied science to disrupt the actual migratory physiology of birds with a tuned, electromagnetic pulse, only felt by birds.

When birds fly near, Flock Off disrupts a key protein in their bodies used to navigate. It affects mineral crystals present in their beaks and wave receptors in their ears, eyes, and brain.  This momentarily halts their ability to judge speed, direction, and distance. The birds experience what humans might feel as “vertigo” within 5 feet of the system…AND simply cannot land.

Unlike spikes, nets, poisons, electrified wire, plastic owls, lasers, and noisemakers, Flock Off ACTUALLY works.  It is harmless to birds, harmless to humans, and harmless to other animals. It is aesthetically pleasing, silent, low-profile, and engineered for durability in all environments. One Flock Off system will protect up to 600 linear feet of a structure.

With Flock Off, Birds humanely and naturally relocate themselves!

Safe & Humane

The operation frequency of Flock off affects virtually all problem birds! The system does not emit problematic radio frequency (RF) or ultrasound waves. It operates at 120 HERTZ, in the audio frequency (AF) spectrum. This frequency is converted into an electromagnetic pulse and is not audible or harmful in any way and will not cause interference with electrical, electronic, communications, or other systems. Birds are NEVER harmed by Flock Off.

Proven Green & Efficient

Flock Off was recently studied by the University of Arizona. Their published findings show a virtually 100% efficacy rate for bird abatement while simultaneously doing NO harm to the birds. Flock Off is a 100% GREEN solution!

CASE STUDY: Cotswold Holiday Cottages have had a problem with Crows flying into and attacking their images in the dark windows of this holiday let, causing damage and a mess, starting at dawn each day.

All conventional bird-scaring products had been tried, with no effect, so the owner called us to see if Flock Off would cure the problem.

We carried out a survey and Installed a Flock Off system around the perimeter of all the doors and windows.

The effectiveness of the Flock Off system can be summed up by the owner’s testimonial;

Great work and I can’t thank you enough (nor can our cleaner) 

“ We’ve had a major problem with crows attacking our large glass windows on a holiday rental in the Cotswolds. Our cleaner could spend an hour every day cleaning the mess. We spent a year using various traditional deterrents – none of which worked. Finally, we contacted Richard who installed the Flock Off device. The results were amazing and stopped the crows from attacking the glass within hours. Four weeks on and we have experienced no return of the crows. Richard and his team did an outstanding job advising us and installing the device. We highly recommend the Flock Off device and Richard for the installation!” 


Contact us at PestPro Bird Solutions Ltd for a survey of your Property and see how Flock Off can solve your bird issues on 0800 772 3313